Day: July 2, 2021

How top brands have nailed their Customer retention with unique strategies

According to Bain & Company, merely a 5% increase in customer retention correlates with at least a 25% increase in profit.  On one hand, brands are ignoring the customer retention rate, while on the other hand, a few brands are nailing their unique Customer retention strategies. Let’s dive in together to know the brands and learn […]

How B2B Industry is performing and progressing with Personalization

It has been quite a time for Content Personalization to become a point of discussion among B2B businesses. Many businesses have employed different strategies and gone through different growth curves. The key point is that Personalization is just like Data. It works for a business only when handled and executed correctly. Surveys conducted among businesses […]

7 Crucial Marketing Skills for the new age B2B Marketers

The marketing budgets before the pandemic were usually 11% of the Company’s revenue thought it varies as per company size and revenue. But when the pandemic hits,  marketing was the first department to be axed for budgets. Nearly half of CMOs (44%) surveyed by Gartner expected budget cuts of 5% to 15% or more.  As the […]

7 B2B Customer Acquisition Strategies

Cost of Customer Acquisition has increased by 50% in the last five years. Gaining new customers is a big challenge for all types of businesses to grow.  But when it comes to B2B businesses usually the buyer’s journey is very long and tedious. And a long journey means more customer acquisition costs.  To acquire new […]

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